Creator-Creature Conflict 478: Pastor John Farley - Soon-to-be-Resident Homecoming

ANCF-509-130615 - length: 59:29 - taught on Jun, 15 2013

Class Outline:

Barah Ministries 2013 Homecoming

Guest speaker: John Farley, Pastor-Teacher

Christian unity is something that the believers are made to be by the LORD. It is not something that we have to go out and make for ourselvesGod has already taken care of our unity. Geographic separation is not a problem.
1.  Recognize the essential unity of all believers in Christ.
2.  Believe what God’s word says about that unity.
3.  Preserve and honor that unity during our brief time here on earth.
Life (eternal life) Truth (the Word of God)
Faith (Believing)
Love (ultimately the love that the Father has for Son now placed inside believers)
One body -
the body of Christ made up of all church age believers. The ONE New Man that we are to put on  -Christ!
One Spirit -
the one Holy Spirit who indwells all church age  believers
One hope of your calling-
the glorification of the saints at the return of Christ when we will receive our resurrection bodies.
One Lord -
the Lord Jesus Christ , the Son of God and the Son of Man, our Savior, who died to wipe out our sins, who rose from the dead, and is seated now at the Father’s Right Hand. 
One faith -
beginning with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, then encompassing the  complete Word of God, the Bible.
One baptism -
our baptism into Christ, the baptism by the Holy Spirit at salvation.
One God and Father -
of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
Those pastors and congregations who continue to hold to the doctrine of rebound are nonetheless our brothers and sisters in Christ
One body -
the body of Christ made up of all church age believers. The ONE New Man that we are to put on  -Christ!
One Spirit -
the one Holy Spirit who indwells all church age  believers.
One hope of your calling -
the glorification of the saints at the return of Christ when we will receive our resurrection bodies.
One Lord -
the Lord Jesus Christ , the Son of God and the Son of Man, our Savior, who died to wipe out our sins, who rose from the dead, and is seated now at the Father’s Right Hand. 
One faith -
beginning with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, then encompassing the  complete Word of God, the Bible.
One baptism -
our baptism into Christ, the baptism by the Holy Spirit at salvation
One God and Father-
of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
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