I AMIn the beginning was the Word
The Word was with God
The Word was God
The Great I Am…and He says…
“I am the Living Bread, I am the Light
I am the Truth, I am the Way, I am the Life
I am the Good Shepherd, I am the Door
I am the Son of God, John the Baptist waited for
I am the Resurrection, I am the Vine
I am the Uniquely Born One
Shekinah Glory Divine
I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
I existed before all, I am the Alpha and Omega, I Am!”
Jesus You’re the Great I Am
And I am all I am, because of You
Jesus You’re the Great I Am
And I am all I am, because of all You do
You’re the Great I Am
The Sacrificial Lamb
And I am all I am
Because You are the Great I Am
“I am the Living Word, I laid down My life
I’m at the right hand of the Father
In session after paying a bridal price
I am the only way to salvation
Whosoever can believe in Me
I said, ‘It is finished!’ after I bore all sins on a Tree
I am the Kinsman Redeemer, High Priest, advocate you need
The mediator between God and man, born of a woman’s seed
The first resurrected, victory proclaimed
Broke the chains of sin and death, there’s no more pain
So the whole world might be saved, I Am!”
Jesus You’re the Great I Am
The Sacrificial Lamb
And I am all I am, because You are the Great I Am
“I am the Sovereign God
I am one with the Father and He’s one with Me
We are one with the Holy Spirit, I am a member of the Trinity
I was God at the beginning, I’m the Creator of all things
I am the Lion, the Lamb, the Bridegroom
No one came into being apart from Me
I am coming one day on a white horse
I am faithful and true, My eyes will burn like fire
Yes, I am coming with you
In a blood dipped robe, in My mouth a sword
I’ll have the name written on My thigh
King of kings and Lord of lords, I Am!”
Jesus You’re the Great I Am
And I am all I am, because of you
Jesus You’re the Great I Am
And I am all I am, because of what You do
You’re the Great I Am
The Sacrificial Lamb
And I am all I am, because You are the Great I Am
The Sacrificial Lamb
And I am all I am, because You’re the Great, I Am!
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