COL-29-230219 - length: 92:08 - taught on Feb, 19 2023
Class Outline:
The Bible is clear, are you?
If you’re in the resident congregation turn off your electronic devices and put them away. Let this be a place where you aren’t distracted by the world.
Welcome To
Rory Clark
Good Morning!
Welcome to Barah Ministries…an intimate, local Christian Church with a worldwide impact. My name is Pastor Rory Clark. Thanks for listening to this Bible lesson!
Who Is Jesus Christ?
JESUS CHRIST is the one and ONLY true GOD, and it’s our pleasure and our privilege to worship Him. Someone who has the power to create the entire universe has to be God. Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 1 says…
In the beginning (not a beginning) God (Jehovah Elohim in Hebrew…God the Son) … created (bara) the heavens and the earth.
The Hebrew word bara…from which the Barah in Barah Ministries comes, means “to speak something into existence from nothing.” The Lord, God the Son, the Creator, spoke the heavens and earth into existence by the Word of His power. John, Chapter 1, Verse 3…
JOHN 1:3
All things came into being through Him (the Lord…God the Son) … and apart from Him (as the Creator) … nothing came into being that has come into being.
Why Does Barah Ministries Exist?
At Barah Ministries you’ll learn the Word from God’s perspective and not from
man’s perspective. God provides this ministry to give you a mental sanctuary…a refuge where you can learn supernatural truth that provides divine solutions for your human problems. Hebrews, Chapter 4, Verse 12 says…
…the Word of God is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword… and the Word of God is piercing…dividing soul and spirit…dividing joints and marrow…and the Word of God is a critic of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Word of God frees you from confusion and welcomes you to clarity.
Why Do Christians Study the Word of God?
We get to know the Lord Jesus Christ by studying the Bible because it is His EXACT thinking revealed. We develop our relationship with the Lord as we get to know His mind. For the masses, their reality is shaped through propaganda from corrupt media organizations that disseminate misinformation that causes fear, anxiety, and hopelessness. The Word of God encourages believers in Christ to reject these deceptions. Romans, Chapter 12, Verse 2…
ROMANS 12:2a
And do not be conformed to this world (by Satan, by his cosmic system of thought, and by the flesh resident in you) ... instead, keep on being transformed by God the Holy Spirit through the renewing of your mind (the study of the Word of God) ...
ROMANS 12:2b that you may see clearly...through the testing of experience...what the will of God is...and the will of God is that which is good for you and that which is acceptable to Him and that which is perfect in result.
Who Is God’s Enemy?
God has an enemy, Satan, whom God made ‘the ruler of this world.’ Satan wants us to be hopeless…he wants us to resign ourselves to the thought that we have no power…that we have no choice…that change is impossible…that there is nothing we can do. He wants us to think that God does not love us. He wants us nowhere near the Word of God, which is described in Romans, Chapter 15, Verse 13…
ROMANS 15:13
Now may the God and Father of HOPE fill you believers in Christ with all joy and all peace in believing…so that you will abound in hope by the power of God the Holy Spirit (through the study of the Word of God).
We know God has a plan for our lives that is beyond our wildest dreams. Satan has no power to thwart that plan. He only has the power God gives him.
Where In the Bible Does It Say That Jesus Christ Is God?
In the selling profession, before we meet someone we’ve never met, we “GOOGLE” them. We use a powerful search engine to surface every bit of public information to construct a biography that allows us to get to know the executive before we meet them. In today’s lesson, the apostle Paul gives the believers in first-century Colossae a stunning biography of our Almighty God, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Is Jesus Christ God? The next song seems to think so, and they’re right! If a Being comes from heaven to earth, dies to pay for the sins of all His creatures, and then returns to an exalted position in the heavens…a thing no one else has ever done…He’s God! Let’s enjoy the artists of Maranatha Music singing LORD, I LIFT YOUR NAME ON HIGH.
Let’s Sing the Lord’s Praises
Maranatha! Music
Let us pray...
We’re grateful, Heavenly Father, for the privilege of studying Your absolute truth...the Word of God…
Thank you Father for reintroducing us to Your Son in this lesson so we can never forget how special He is…let us be in awe of this omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Son of Yours, who has each one of us in mind by name at all times… help us remember that He thought enough of every one of us to die for us on a Cross to pay for our sins and to bear Your wrath for us…remind us that He loves us unconditionally…He forgives us completely…and He always has our best interests in mind…
…call to our minds…every minute of every day…how special we are in the Lord’s eyes…
We ask this through the power of God the Holy Spirit…in Christ’s name...Amen.
Where In the Bible Does It Say That Jesus Christ Is God?
Wouldn’t it be great if all creatures gave the Lord Jesus Christ the same courtesy we give to executives we don’t know? Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew a lot about the Lord before we meet Him?
Will you know the Lord before you meet Him?
In the next passage of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he introduces the Lord…giving the believers at Colossae, and all believers, perhaps the best description of the Lord available in the Bible.
The doubters ALWAYS ask, “Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus Christ is God?” It would be easier to answer the question, “Where in the Bible does it indicate that Jesus Christ is NOT God?” The Bible is clear in so many places, like Hebrews, Chapter 1, Verses 1 to 3…
God the Father…after He revealed Himself long ago to the church fathers through the prophets and in various other ways…
…in these last days has spoken through One who is BY NATURE His Son (the Lord…Jesus…the Christ ) … whom God the Father appointed heir of all things…and through this Christ also, God the Father made the universe.
What does BY NATURE mean? Nature is…
The basic or inherent features of something, especially when seen as things characteristic of it.
Jesus Christ has divine nature because He is God. Hebrews, Chapter 1, Verse 3…
And the Lord Jesus Christ is the radiance (the flashing forth) … of God the Father’s glory…and Jesus is the exact representation of God the Father’s nature (Jesus is the same in essence as God the Father) … and the Lord Jesus Christ upholds ALL THINGS in the universe by the Word of His power.
When Jesus had made purification of sins (paying for the sins of all creatures at the Cross with His blood) … the Lord Jesus Christ sat down at the right hand of the Majesty (God the Father) on high…
Jesus Christ is GOD.
The doubters don’t think so. False teachers are always spreading false teaching designed to make the Lord Jesus Christ less than He is. The apostle Paul is having none of it. Let’s take a look at the next passage of his letter…Colossians, Chapter 1, Verses 15 to 23…a brief biography of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…
The Lord Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God and Father…He is the firstborn of all creation.
For by the Lord (God the Son)...all things were created…both in the heavens and on earth…whether visible or invisible…whether thrones or dominions…whether rulers or authorities—all things have been created through the Lord and for the Lord.
The Lord is before all things…and in the Lord, all things hold together (by the Word of His Power).
The Lord is also head of the body…the Church…and He is the beginning…the firstborn from the dead…so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything (absolute Supremacy).
For it was God the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness (of Deity) to dwell in the Christ…
…and through the Lord to reconcile all things to God the Father, having made peace through the blood of the Lord’s Cross…through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.
And although all of you were formerly alienated…and hostile in mind…engaged in evil deeds (when you were unbelievers)…
…yet the Lord has now reconciled all of you (Colossian believers) in His fleshly body through death… to present all of you before God the Father…as holy…and blameless…and beyond reproach—
…if indeed all of you continue in the faith…firmly established and steadfast…and not moved away (by false teachers) from the hope of the gospel message that you have heard…which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven…and of which I, Paul, was made a minister.
The passage we study today answers three questions…
Who is Jesus Christ? (Verses 15 to 18)
What has Jesus Christ done? (Verses 19 and 20)
Why did Jesus Christ do the things He has done? (Verses 21 to 23)
What are the false teachers with their false teaching saying about Jesus? They add to the truth. They subtract from the truth. They pervert the truth to cause believers in Christ to doubt what we know to be true. What does it mean to pervert?
To alter something from its original form (by addition or subtraction) to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
The Roman Catholics say Jesus Christ did not complete the work of salvation at the Cross. He did. The Jehovah’s Witnesses say that Jesus Christ is not God…he is a created being…he is “like a god.” He is not. The Mormons say that Jesus Christ is Satan’s brother. He is not. The false teachers tell us we need to pray through saints…we need to pray to angels…we need Mary (the alleged mother of God) to pray for us…we need to pray to the universe. All who propose these things are liars. Jude, Chapter 1, Verse 4…
JUDE 1:4
For certain persons (unrighteous, unbelieving false teachers) have crept in unnoticed (because they are wolves in sheep’s clothing) … those predicted by God to appear…those ungodly persons marked out for condemnation…who turn the grace of our God into moral anarchy and who deny the only absolute Master…our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Colossian believers are under attack by the Gnostics. Today, believers also are under attack from false teachers who want us to believe that Jesus Christ is just one of many enlightened prophets who have been on earth to teach us. He is not. Jesus Christ is the Creator…He is not a creature.
The passage we are about to study paints a picture of Jesus Christ as God. Let’s examine the passage verse-by-verse. Who is Jesus Christ? Colossians, Chapter 1, Verses 15 to 18…
The Lord Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God and Father…He is the firstborn of all creation.
For by the Lord (God the Son)...all things were created…things in the heavens and things on earth…both visible and invisible…whether thrones or powers…or (evil) rulers or authorities—all things have been created through the Lord and for the Lord.
Jesus Christ is God in human form. He is the visible manifestation of the
entire Godhead. John, Chapter 1, Verse 18 says…
JOHN 1:18
No one has seen God the Father at any time…the only begotten One of God the Father who is in the bosom of God the Father…the Lord…Jesus…the Christ…He has explained God the Father.
In John, Chapter 10, Verse 30 the Lord says…
JOHN 10:30
“I (the Lord Jesus Christ) and God the Father are one (we are the same in essence).”
John, Chapter 1, Verse 1…
JOHN 1:1
In the beginning was the Word (the Lord…God the Son)…and the Word was with God the Father…and the Word (the Lord…God the Son) was God (He is Deity).
The Bible describes His magnificent Person in so many ways. He is 100% God and 100% human in one Being forever…John, Chapter 1, Verse 14…
JOHN 1:14
And the Word (the Lord…God the Son) … became flesh (Jesus…the Christ)…and He lived among us…and we (apostles) saw His glory (with our own eyes)…glory as of the only begotten One from the source of God Father…full of grace and truth.
Colossians, Chapter 1, Verses 17 and 18…
The Lord is before all things…and in the Lord...all things hold together.
The Lord Jesus Christ is first in everything. In other words, He is preeminent. What does it mean to be preeminent?
Superior to all others…preexistent to all others
To put the Lord’s greatness into words would scramble human imagination.
The Lord holds all things together by His Word. Why doesn’t the sky fall? The Lord holds up the sky. Why doesn’t the earth stop spinning? The Lord keeps it moving. Why don’t the stars collide? The Lord named every star and keeps them from bumping into each other. Only God could do that. Those who are not God have never claimed to be that powerful.
The Lord is also head of the body…the Church…and He is the beginning…the firstborn from the dead…so He Himself will come to have first place in everything.
Who other than God could orchestrate the unity of the Church? Who could lay down His own life voluntarily and then resurrect Himself from the dead? The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who has ever done it! The only conclusion is that He is God.
When we return from the break, we’ll take the offering and then we’ll learn more about the One we worship.
Casting Crowns
Where In the Bible Does It Say That Jesus Christ Is God?
Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden once said, “You can’t have a perfect day without doing something for someone who’ll never be able to repay you.” Our God does this every second of every day. As believers in Christ, we choose to reflect His grace.
When you give to Barah Ministries you make it possible for people all over the world to get spiritual food to feed their spiritual lives free of charge. Thank you for your generosity.
Let’s welcome up Deacon Denny Goodall with one of his always inspiring offering messages.
Deacon Denny Goodall
Instruct the rich to do good…to be rich in good works…to be generous and ready to share…storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future…so that they may take hold of that which is the resurrection life.
Instrumental Version
Where In the Bible Does It Say That Jesus Christ Is God?
Now that we know who Jesus Christ is, let’s find out what He has done… Colossians, Chapter 1, Verses 19 and 20…
For it was God the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness (of Deity) to dwell in the Christ (in bodily form) …
By taking on human form, God dumbed Himself down for us. He allowed Himself to suffer at the hands of the very men He created to make it possible for WHOSOEVER to have a relationship with His Father. He made it possible for EVERYONE to be saved. Hebrews, Chapter 2, Verse 7…
“You (God the Father) have made him (Jesus Christ) for a little while lower than the angels…You have crowned Him with glory and honor…and You have appointed Him over the works of Your hands…
When the Lord was in human form as Jesus…the Christ…the Jewish Messiah…He was treated like dirt. “You’re just a carpenter’s son” … “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” … “You’re just a man” … “You’re just a rabbi” … “You’re just a teacher” … “You’re just a prophet.” False teachers portray Jesus as anything but what He is…God in the flesh.
…and through the Lord, God the Father reconciled ALL THINGS to Himself… having made peace through the blood of the Lord’s Cross…through Jesus, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.
Since every human being is born with Adam’s sin imputed…and since every human being commits personal sins in his lifetime, how can anyone have a relationship with God when sinning demands a punishment…death?
God has a way of dealing with His enemies. At the Cross, the Lord Jesus Christ restored the peace between God the Father and mankind, a restoration called RECONCILIATION. What is reconciliation?
The removal of an enmity…the restoration of harmony…the reinstatement of peace.
Colossians, Chapter 2, Verses 13 and 14…
When you were spiritually dead in your transgressions and in the uncircumcision of your flesh…God the Father made you spiritually alive together with Christ… having forgiven us all your transgressions…
…and having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against you, which was hostile to you…and He has taken the debt out of the way…having nailed it to the Cross.
When we accept the Person and the Work of Jesus Christ for our own salvation, we are no longer sinners…we are saints…and the result is the restoration of peace between us and God…Romans, Chapter 5, Verse 1…
Therefore, having been justified on the principle of faith in the past, we believers in Christ now and forevermore keep on having peace with God the Father through our union with the Lord Jesus Christ…
Romans, Chapter 5, Verse 11…
And not only this…much more! We believers in Christ also exult in God the Father through our union with the Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
Who is Jesus Christ? He is God! What did Jesus Christ do? He gave His life as a ransom, in payment for slaves so He could reconcile all to a relationship with God the Father. Who did Jesus Christ do it for? He did it all FOR YOU. Colossians, Chapter 1, Verses 21 to 23…
And although all of you believers in Christ were formerly alienated and hostile in mind (when you were unbelievers) … doers of evil deeds…
…yet the Lord has now RECONCILED all of you believers in Christ in His physical body through His death on a Cross…in order to present all of you
before God the Father as holy in His sight…blameless (no longer targets of accusation) …and beyond reproach (people without blemish)…
As believers in Christ, we now have the spiritual equivalent of diplomatic immunity. What is diplomatic immunity?
A principle of international law by which certain foreign government officials are not subject to the jurisdiction of local courts and other authorities for both their official and their personal activities.
People with diplomatic immunity are “not chargeable” for breaking the law. Through His Person and His Work on the Cross, Jesus Christ made this possible for every believer. Satan can say anything he wants about believers in Christ. God ignores it.
…if indeed all of you Colossian believers continue in the faith…which of course you will…firmly established and steadfast…and if indeed you do not get moved away (by false teachers) from the hope of the gospel message that you have heard…which of course you won’t…a gospel proclaimed to every creature under heaven…and of which gospel I, Paul, was made a minister by God.
What has Jesus Christ done FOR YOU? He has taken you FROM a nothing TO a something.
He’s taken you from alienated to reconciled. He’s taken you FROM far off TO brought near. He has taken you FROM the other side of a barrier TO a broken-down dividing wall. He has taken you FROM the accused TO all ordinances against you taken out of the way. He has taken you FROM enemy TO friend. He has taken you FROM darkness TO light. He has taken you FROM alien TO heir. He has taken you FROM lost TO rescued. He has taken you FROM slave TO free. He has taken you FROM imprisoned TO redeemed. He has taken you FROM enmity TO reconciliation. He has taken you FROM false teaching TO true teaching.
Jesus Christ is GOD. Where in the Bible does it say Jesus Christ is God? Everywhere. Even Jesus’s enemies realized what they did not want to admit… John, Chapter 10, Verses 31 to 33 say this…
JOHN 10:31
The (unbelieving) Jews picked up stones again to stone Jesus.
JOHN 10:32
Jesus said to them, “I showed you many good works from the source of God the
Father…for which of these works are you stoning Me?”
JOHN 10:33
The Jews answered Jesus, saying “For a good work we do not stone You… for blasphemy we stone you…because You…being a man…make Yourself out to be God!”
They knew the truth. Jesus Christ is the preeminent God…preexisting all others… superior to all others…the Creator of all others. All false teachers had to do was ignore the evidence. As believers in Christ, we embrace the evidence and we relax knowing we are worshiping the One and ONLY God…our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Good News of Jesus Christ’s Salvation Offer to the Human Race
The closing moments of today’s lesson are dedicated to anyone, anywhere, who is undecided about having a relationship with the Sovereign God of the Universe, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want you to know that…
Make the Most Important Decision of Your Life
Where you spend eternity matters to God because YOU matter to God. He wants you to be saved! In John, Chapter 4, Verses 13 and 14, the Lord Jesus Christ is talking to a woman at a well…a Samaritan woman whom the Jews wanted nothing to do with. After a brief introduction, the Lord says to the woman…
JOHN 4:13
“Everyone who drinks of the water in this well will thirst again…”
JOHN 4:14
“…but whoever drinks of the water that I (the Lord Jesus Christ) will give him (the water of the Word…the gospel message) shall never thirst…but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to the resurrection life (eternal life).”
It is the Lord’s will for you to live with Him in heaven forever when you close your eyes in this life. First Timothy, Chapter 2, Verses 3 and 4 say…
This is what is good and acceptable in the sight of the God who is our Savior…the Lord Jesus Christ…
…who desires all men to be saved and who desires for all men to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Unfortunately, most people think religion shows the way to be saved. Is religion the truth? Billions of people in this world think so, believing religion and its rituals are the tickets into heaven. They embrace religious beliefs that tell them how to live, but the religions never tell them how to have a personal relationship with God.
Religions propose that if you don’t do everything their god expects that he will be disappointed…and regardless of your best efforts to follow religious rituals… which you CAN’T and DON’T do…even IF you do them all, the religion does not GUARANTEE you will get to heaven.
Christianity is NOT a religion…it is a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ…a relationship GUARANTEED to save you.
Getting to heaven when you close your eyes in this life is as simple as a nine-word conversation with God the Father…like the one in Luke, Chapter 23, Verses 42 and 43…
LUKE 23:42
And a thief being crucified next to Jesus was saying, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”
LUKE 23:43
And Jesus said to him, “Truly I say to you…today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”
A nine-word conversation with God can get you to heaven…Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom. Or if you prefer…a couple of five-word conversations with God the Father … “Father…I believe in Christ” … or as a man said to Jesus when He was on the earth…“I believe…help my unbelief!” Believe! Simply take God’s word for what it takes to be saved, and that is the moment of eternal life for you. Acts, Chapter 16, Verse 31 says…
ACTS 16:31
“Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and everyone in your household who also believes.”
Who is this God who saves you? The apostle Paul describes the Lord Jesus Christ in First Corinthians, Chapter 15, Verses 3 and 4…
For I (Paul) delivered to you believers in Christ…as of primary importance…the gospel message I also received from God…that it was Jesus Christ who died for our sins according to the Old Testament Scriptures…
…and that He was buried…and that He was raised from the dead on the third day…according to the Old Testament Scriptures…
If you reject the relationship offer the Lord Jesus Christ makes to you, He will honor your rejection…Matthew, Chapter 13, Verses 49 and 50…
So it will be at the end of the age…the elect angels will come forth and take out the wicked (a description of unbelievers) from among the righteous (believers in Christ) ...
…and will throw the wicked into the furnace of fire (The Lake of Fire) … and in that place, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
On the other hand, once the Lord saves you, no matter how hard you try, you cannot lose your salvation…John, Chapter 10, Verse 28 says…
JOHN 10:28
“…I (the Lord Jesus Christ) give eternal life to believers in Christ, and they will never perish…and no one will snatch them out of My hand.”
Anyone who says you can lose your salvation is lying to you. So, follow the advice in John, Chapter 3, Verse 36…
JOHN 3:36
“He who believes in the Son has the resurrection life right at that moment…but he who does not obey the command to believe in the Son will not see the resurrection life…instead the wrath of God (the Lake of Fire) abides on him.”
It’s not religion that gets you to heaven…it’s RELATIONSHIP with the
one and only Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Have that conversation with God the Father right now and you will be saved!
Philippians, Chapter 2, Verse 9 says…
God the Father highly exalted Jesus…and bestowed on Him the name which is above every other name…
Here's June Murphy telling us all about Him in song...COME SEE A MAN.
June Murphy
Words of Praise to Our Lord
Let us offer words of praise to our Lord…
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding…
…in all your ways acknowledge the Lord…and He will direct your path straight.
PSALM 46:1
For God is our refuge and our strength…a very present help in times of trouble.
ISAIAH 40:13
Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength…they will mount up with wings like eagles…they will run and not get tired…they will walk and not become weary.
Let us pray...
Almighty God and Father…
…thank you for giving us a Lord who is worthy of worship…Your Son…our Savior Jesus Christ…thank you for giving us the guidance of God the Holy Spirit who leads us into all the truth about the Lord…thank you for giving us a written document that proves beyond a reasonable doubt and by a preponderance of the evidence that Jesus Christ is GOD…and thank you for giving us the spiritual wisdom required to notice the spiritual evidence that comes from You…
…we pray for our enemies Father…we pray that You enlighten them and lead them to the truth through the convicting ministry of God the Holy Spirit… especially unbelievers who are part of our circle of family and friends…
We ask this through the power of God the Holy Spirit…in Christ’s name...Amen.
Ask the Pastor
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