It's Easy to Get to Heaven!
“He who believes in the Son has the resurrection life right at that moment... but he who does not obey the command to believe in the Son will not see the resurrection life... instead the wrath of God (the Lake of Fire) abides on him.” JOHN...
It was a battle that began with the words no one wants to hear. “You have cancer.” In If You Have Faith, Tony LoGrasso’s tells his own moving story about how cancer gave him the opportunity to come to terms with his...
To the Unbeliever This book is for you. You may be unaware of the fact that you were born physically alive and spiritually dead. And (at physical birth) you were (spiritually) dead in your trespasses and sins… Ephesians 2:1 As a result of Adam’s original sin, God placed you, from birth, on the team of His enemy, Satan. This is not your fault, but it is your circumstance. If you have yet to hear the Gospel Message, the good news of how God frees you from this predicament, or if you have heard the Gospel Message and rejected it, you are considered an unbeliever in the plan of...